Top 10 Private Universities of Bangladesh; Arrangement and tuition fees

Private universities such as the Massachusetts Institute of Technology have shown how distinct some of

 them are when it comes to education. This has motivated many of them to become better and progressive. Bangladesh's private universities were not excluded because they invested in their promotion.

Bangladesh is a country in South Asia located along the Bengal Basin, which shares borders with Myanmar and India. The country has notable higher institutions which include both public and private universities.

These institutions make the country a great place to study abroad. So, if you want to study in Bangladesh and need to know about top private universities in Bangladesh, this article is for you.

In this article, we will look at the list of private universities in Bangladesh and their tuition fees.

How many private universities are there in Bangladesh?

Bangladesh's private universities came into being after the Private Universities Founding Act 1992.

In 2019, more than 103 of them started. These universities follow an open credit system.

What is the first private university in Bangladesh?

The first private university in Bangladesh is the Independent University of Bangladesh which was established in 1993 and shortly after its founding; In 1996, it expanded its educational institutions in Chittagong.

Ranking of private universities in Bangladesh

The Great University Commission is included in the list of Top 10 Private Universities in Bangladesh (UGC).

Each year many students pass the high school - HSC levels of a different cohort, but there are not enough public universities and there are not enough places for all students. Only a few have a chance at public universities.

In Bangladesh, there are institutions which are divided according to management and financial structure, and they include 43 public universities, 103 private universities, two international universities, 2 specialized colleges and two private universities.

Among these institutions, some are top notch in the level of study programs they offer. Here are the most important special features for 2020.

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